About Us

The purpose of this research center is to promote education and research
  in the field of “Northern Humanities,” exploring this area from a
   multidisciplinary perspective through the many academic specialties
     of the Graduate School of Humanities and Human Sciences, such as
       history, culture,linguistics, art, and the environment.
         To promote this aim, we have planned and organized various
           activities, including symposia, workshops, conferences,
             publications, and lectures.

Research Area


Russian Literature, Polish Literature


Ainu Language, Slavic Linguistics


Hokkaido history, History of Sakhalin and Sakhalin, Ainu ethnography, Russian history, Research on historical materials related to Japan in Russia, Historical ornithology

Art Studies

Hokkaido Art, Art of the Russian Far East


Hokkaido, Tohoku, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands, Republic of Sakha, Sea of Okhotsk coast, North Pacific coast, Siberia, Central and Eastern Europe

Cultural Anthropology

Hokkaido, Far East Russia, North American indigenous studies, Europe, Hunting

Regional Science

Conservation Ecology, Social Ecology, Relationship between Siberian Indigenous Peoples and Wild Animals, North American Area Studies, Urban Studies, Human Geography

Research Activities

Northern Humanities Network

This center aims to collaborate with researchers and research institutions in the northern part of the world, with a scope that goes beyond Hokkaido in Japan, and moreover it has built a comprehensive research network that is constantly in operation.


Study Groups

Our center plans and holds the regular lecture meetings and symposiums related to the northern regions of the world. In addition, by inviting distinguished researchers in relevant fields from within Japan and overseas to these lectures, etc., we open the results of their research to the academic world and local communities.

Publication of the Journal of the Center for Northern Humanities

We have been publishing our international academic journal, entitled Journal of the Center for Northern Humanities, every year since 2008 with the aim of bringing together and promoting humanities research in the northern regions of the world. The Journal is distributed to research institutions in Japan and overseas, and it is registered with the Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers (HUSCAP) and has been made available online.


Contribution to Local Communities

We are contributing to the further development of the culture of Hokkaido by returning to the public, via open lectures, public seminars, and planned exhibitions, and the results of research that is closely related to the history and climate of Hokkaido.

Educational Activities

We provide university-wide and undergraduate specialized education in coordination with researchers from other institutions in Japan and abroad, and international education for graduate students in cooperation with the OGGs (NJE3) program.
